Leberstereo Audio System Settled in Xinjiang Hetian Border Administration

   2023-11-07 five hundred and sixty-nine zero
Core tips: Leber Sound LEBESTEREO audio system has settled in Xinjiang Hetian Border Administration, and the project uses Leber Sound LEBE's LY110 single ten active linear array speaker, LY118 single 18 inch active sub low cannon, T16 digital mixer, S22 one driven two true diversity wireless microphone, HF4 one driven four wireless gooseneck conference microphone; Other active linear array audio power amplifier modules are 4x1000W high-power modules with DSP. The active linear array speaker is small in size and high in sound pressure. It is more convenient to use with a mobile tray. Two people can easily install, hang, and disassemble it. The active linear array can be used in combination with 2+1, 3+1, and 4+1 according to different space needs.
Leberstereo Audio System Settled in Xinjiang Hetian Border Administration
Project Background
The Xinjiang Border Management Detachment is a glorious team that obeys the Party's command, is brave and good at fighting, is tenacious and responsible, and has made outstanding contributions. Since its establishment 70 years ago, generations of officers and soldiers have taken root in the desert border, stationed in the snow covered plateau, built a three-dimensional border prevention and control system, actively participated in international peacekeeping, deepened the work of strengthening and revitalizing the border, and firmly guarded the security of Xinjiang's border lines and border areas. It was rated as the "National Model Collective of National Unity and Progress" by the State Council, Xiamaya Border Police Station awarded the "Youth Civilization" by the Ministry of Public Security and the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, as well as the national super level people's police Zhang Yongzhou, "Ten Great Heroes of Defending the Country and Guarding the Border" Anival Nulton, the most beautiful police Xiao Helaiti in Xinjiang and other model collectives and individuals.
Project requirements
Audio sound reinforcement for medium and large activities of the detachment requires strong sound penetration, long range, clear medium and high frequency, and sufficient sound pressure level to meet the needs of thousands of people at the activity site in large activities.
The project uses the LY110 single ten active linear array speaker of Leber Sound LEBE, the LY118 single 18 inch active sub low cannon, the T16 digital mixer, the S22 one driven two true diversity wireless microphone, and the HF4 one driven four wireless gooseneck conference microphone; Other active linear array audio power amplifier modules are 4x1000W high-power modules with DSP. The active linear array speaker is small in size and high in sound pressure. It is more convenient to use with a mobile tray. Two people can easily install, hang, and disassemble it. The active linear array can be used in combination with 2+1, 3+1, and 4+1 according to different space needs.
Project feedback
The Hetian Border Management Detachment recognized and commended the LEBE STEREO single ten active linear array sound reinforcement system.
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