The 13th China (Jiangxi) Digital Industry Expo

   Date: January 19, 2021 Browse: five hundred and eighty-nine Status: state
Exhibition date 2021-07-09 to 2021-07-11
Exhibition city Nanchang
Exhibition address Nanchang Greenland International Expo Center
Name of exhibition hall Nanchang Greenland International Expo Center
Organizer Nanchang Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology Jiangxi Machinery Industry Federation Jiangxi Automation Society Jiangxi Industrial Economy Federation
Undertaker Jiangxi Miguel Exhibition Service Co., Ltd
Official website
Exhibition description
  The 13th China (Jiangxi) Digital Industry Expo

         The 13th China (Jiangxi) Digital Industry Expo         

Time: July 9-11, 2021 Address: Nanchang Greenland International Expo Center
Classification of six major sectors : automation, CNC machine tools, lasers and robots
Automotive equipment, aerospace equipment, molds and fasteners
Estimated scale: Exhibition area sixty thousand Square meters, professional visitors fifty thousand Name, exhibitor: 1200+ home
Guiding unit:   Jiangxi Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology    Nanchang Municipal People's Government
Organizer: Nanchang Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology     Jiangxi Machinery Industry Federation   
                 Jiangxi Automation Society         Jiangxi Federation of Industrial Economics
Supported by: Jiangxi Aviation Sports Association      Jiangxi Foundry Association
Jiangxi Plastic Industry Association      Jiangxi Machinery Industry Enterprise Management Association
Jiangxi Mould Industry Association      Jiangxi Transportation and Logistics Association
Organizer:     Jiangxi Miguel Exhibition Service Co., Ltd
Theme: Gather in Jiangxi to promote a new chapter of digital industry
[Exhibition Introduction]
two thousand and twenty-one China (Jiangxi) Digital Industry Expo (English: CIDF )Will be on two thousand and twenty-one year seven month 9-11 It will be held in Nanchang Greenland International Convention and Exhibition Center on July 1, 2010. Manufacturing is the foundation of a modern country two thousand and twenty-five ”Under the national strategy of, despite the epidemic situation, China's industrial digitalization will usher in unprecedented development opportunities! China proposes to build a new development pattern with domestic circulation as the main body and domestic and international double circulation promoting each other; On the basis of realizing industrialization, China is also constantly upgrading to promote high-quality development and transcendence.
Jiangxi's industry is in the critical stage of climbing the slope and crossing the barrier, transformation and upgrading, and accelerating the construction of a strong province in science and technology and industry; remodeling "Made in Jiangxi" is brilliant. Focus on advantageous industries such as aviation, electronic information, equipment manufacturing, traditional Chinese medicine, new energy, new materials, and vigorously implement“ 2+6+N ”High quality leap forward development of industry, keep the proportion of manufacturing industry basically stable, and accelerate the pace of building a strong industrial province. Build a trillion level Beijing Kowloon (Jiangxi) electronic information industry belt; We will support the optimization and upgrading of the automotive industry, and vigorously develop equipment manufacturing industries such as rail transit, new generation robots, high-end CNC machine tools, and advanced medical devices. Based on the basis of front-end materials, back-end markets, etc., cultivate the industrial chain of integrated circuit design, manufacturing, packaging and application. We will develop a new generation of artificial intelligence technology, and accelerate the development of industrial clusters such as intelligent connected vehicles and digital industries.
Based on China's industrial manufacturing market and serving the whole industrial chain of industrial manufacturing, Jiangxi Industrial Expo set up exhibition areas for aerospace equipment, CNC machine tools, robots, industrial automation, laser processing, automotive equipment, plastic packaging, fasteners, intelligent logistics, industrial Internet and intelligent manufacturing. Jiangxi Industrial Expo launched a global buyer invitation plan and established a twenty The database of more than 10000 buyers, with the sole pursuit of exhibitors to reach deals, invites high-end buyers for exhibitors worldwide to help exhibitors reach deals. The Jiangxi Industrial Expo was reported by nearly 100 domestic and foreign media, including Xinhua News Agency, People's Daily, CCTV, China Daily, China Industrial Control Network, Asia Control Engineering, Electromechanical Business Daily, CNC machine tool market, Sina, Sohu, People's Daily, etc.   
Exhibition arrangement: two thousand and twenty-one year seven month 7-8 day (9:00-16:30)     open: two thousand and twenty-one year seven month nine Day( 9:30
show: two thousand and twenty-one year seven month 9-11 day (9:00-16:30)     Move out: two thousand and twenty-one year seven month eleven Day( 16:00
[Organizational Features]
Data invitation: owned by the Organizing Committee twenty Ten thousand accurate audience database and past core buyer list, invite by call center, SMS, new media platform, circle of friends, WeChat group and other means, and carefully organize audience attendance.
Publicity and promotion: the organizing committee will promote the development of digital control machine tools in China Industrial Control Network, Asia Control Engineering, Electromechanical Business Newspaper, CNC machine tool market More than 1000 press conferences or advertisements were published on mainstream media such as electromechanical and control applications, China Automation Network, China Automatic Control Network, China Measurement and Control Network, intelligent manufacturing, robot industry, automation applications, daily newspapers, etc., comprehensively expanding and enhancing the influence of this exhibition. At the same time, it has carried out all-round promotion in Jiangxi markets and similar exhibitions throughout the country.
Visit subsidy: the exhibition will be implemented 10-30 The tour mode of "free shuttle bus, lunch and accommodation" organized by the group is expected to be dispatched during this exhibition three hundred There are buses to Jiangxi and the surrounding provinces, cities and counties, relevant industrial parks, aerospace, logistics transportation, new energy materials, rail transit, food and beverage and other units for free, and buyers who are far away from the surrounding areas are provided with free accommodation.
Concurrent activities: The organizing committee plans to hold several forums at the same time: China two thousand and twenty-five New challenges of manufacturing development, Jiangxi New Industrial Product Upgrading Forum two thousand and twenty-one China Digital Industry Summit Forum, etc.
[Scope of Exhibits]
CNC machine tools, cutting machines, machining centers;            Laser cutting, sheet metal processing;
New aerospace materials and technologies ;                     Electrical machinery and equipment manufacturing;
Large metal castings and rolling;                      Industrial automation and power transmission;
Auto parts manufacturing technology and equipment;                Smart warehousing and logistics;
Large intelligent construction machinery equipment;                    Surface treatment technology, forming equipment;
Casting, hot working and welding equipment;                  Mould and plate processing equipment;
Internet, big data and cloud computing systems;              Servo drive device, numerical control system;
Inspection instruments, gauges, measuring tools;                  Robot and system integration, assembly system;
Machining engineering, materials and design;                   3D Printing equipment;
[Charging standard]
Standard booth for domestic enterprises
Ordinary standard booth:¥ seven thousand and eight hundred element /9 Add at double opening position 10%
Luxury booth:¥ eight thousand and nine hundred element /9   
Domestic indoor bare ground( thirty-six M2 starting rent)
eight hundred element /
Standard exhibition equipment: three side display board (high two point five M), one negotiation table, two chairs, two spotlights 220V Power supply, Chinese and English company fascia.
Luxury booth equipment: including steel truss construction, painting, carpet, negotiation tables and chairs, lighting, etc.
Indoor bare space: no facilities are provided in the open space. Exhibitors can entrust the construction company recommended by the organization unit or arrange special decoration work by themselves.
New technology product promotion exchange and seminar: each ten thousand element /30 minute. The organizer is responsible for arranging venues, tables and chairs, projectors, lamps and sound equipment, and assisting the speaker enterprises to organize audiences (please bring your own portable belt). (For more promotion opportunities, please refer to the exhibition rules or call the organizer for consultation)
[Journal, venue and print advertising]
back cover
Front Cover Title Page
Front Cover
Cross edition
Color inserts
Price (yuan)
twenty-six thousand
twenty-two thousand
eight thousand
six thousand
five thousand
three thousand
[Exhibition procedures]
Those who are interested in participating in the exhibition, please contact the organizing committee and fill in the exhibition after confirming the booth and exhibition fees "Exhibition application / The contract form shall be stamped with the official seal and mailed or faxed to the organizing committee. After signing the exhibition contract, the exhibitor shall pay the exhibition fee within three working days 50% As a deposit, the balance is two thousand and twenty-one year six month one The payment shall be made in one lump sum before the day.
Contact with the Organizing Committee of China (Jiangxi) Digital Industry Expo
Jiangxi Miguel Exhibition Service Co., Ltd
Zhao Hang  137 6745 4540 ( Same as WeChat )
land   Address: Nanchang Greenland International Convention and Exhibition Center A1 Hall No
contact information
Contact: Zhao Hang
Address: Hall A1, Nanchang Greenland International Convention and Exhibition Center
mobile phone:
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