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scale capital ~ ten thousand
  • Shenyang Bonex Valve Manufacturing Co., Ltd
  • Main products: valve production, cast steel valves, stainless steel valves, fluorine lined valves, anti-corrosion valves, electric valves, pneumatic valves, steam valves, pressure reducing valves
  • (Manufacturer) [Not verified]
[Shandong/Linyi City]
  • Zouping Shengzhuo Metal Products Co., Ltd
  • Main products: Zouping electric telescopic door, Zhoucun, Jinan, Zouping, Binzhou, Gaoqing, Zhangdian, Zhangqiu, Zhangqiu, vehicle identification system, road gate system, license plate recognition integrated machine, parking lot toll management system, aluminum suction tube for electrolytic aluminum vacuum package lifting, mixing palm, ash scrubbing pan, anode steel claw for furnace bottom plate electrolytic aluminum electrolytic cell conduction
  • (Manufacturer) [Not verified]
[Henan/Xinxiang City]
  • Hengshui Jiajia Casting Material Co., Ltd
  • Main products: casting tools, sanding tools, spoon scraper, lifting hook, autumn leaf core support, mud core support, cast top, cast clamp support head, gasket, cast nail, wool handle pen, wool single bristle brush pen, water pen, cast iron filter screen, cast steel filter screen, cast aluminum filter, tennis screen, gray iron filter screen, tamping machine, cast iron filter screen, tamping machine, air shovel and metalworking training tools
  • (manufacturer, trader) [not verified]
  • Hebei Zhuxin Wear resistant Materials Co., Ltd
  • Main products: wear-resistant castings, steel castings, gray iron castings, pig iron castings, bimetallic composite hammers, wear-resistant crusher hammers, high chromium alloy hammers, dual liquid composite alloy hammers, fine crusher hammers, sand machine hammers, limestone crusher hammers, coal powder hammers, reversible crusher hammers, counter plate hammer, hammer hammer, brick machine high chromium wear-resistant reamers, grate cooler hammers Wear plate hammer jaw plate, grate plate, lining plate, carbonization impact block, brick mouth accessories, ceramic mixing blade
  • [Verified]
[Shandong/Linyi City]
  • Botou Dongsheng Hongyun Casting Co., Ltd
  • Main business: well circle, well cover, lamp pole, lamp holder, ductile iron, gray iron, cast steel production and sales; machining; Import and export of goods
  • (Manufacturer) [verified]
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