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scale capital ~ ten thousand
  • Zhengzhou Jingguo Graphite Co., Ltd
  • Main business: sales of graphite and carbon products; Sales of graphene materials; Refractory sales; Mold sales; Sales of machinery and equipment; Sales of mechanical parts and components; Research and development of carbon fiber recycling technology; R&D of new material technology; Import and export of goods; R&D of emerging energy technologies; Research and development of carbon emission reduction, carbon conversion, carbon capture and carbon sequestration technologies
  • (manufacturer, trader) [not verified]
  • Shanghai Hongjun New Energy Materials Co., Ltd
  • Main business: It is a high-tech enterprise integrating scientific research, production, sales, installation and service. Based on strong technical force, the company is committed to the R&D and production of new energy products and their main parts, and also produces precision graphite products for semiconductor, medical devices, precision molds and other industries. The main products include ingot graphite thermal field, PECVD graphite boat, C/C frame, fuel cell bipolar plate, semiconductor graphite parts, graphite mold for optical fiber, and graphite electrode processing
  • (Manufacturer) [Not verified]
[Henan/Xinxiang City]
  • Shaanxi Baoji Carbon Products Co., Ltd
  • Main products: graphite crucible graphite cold iron graphite plate graphite rod graphite mould graphite seal graphite tube graphite heater graphite ring graphite plug rod graphite funnel graphite rotor graphite impeller
  • [Verified]
[Shaanxi/Baoji City]
[Henan/Xinxiang City]
[Shaanxi/Baoji City]
  • Qingdao Xintai Carbon Co., Ltd
  • Main products: graphite, graphite products, graphite molds, graphite crucibles, graphite plates, flake graphite
  • [Verified]
  • Shandong 83 Carbon Plant
  • Main products: medium and coarse particles, graphite mould, graphite heater, graphite chill
  • [Verified]
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