Postgraduate Entrance Examination Postgraduate entrance examination scores over the years Online query platform
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    type Discipline category (specialty) Total score Single subject (full score=100 points) Single subject (full score>100)
    Master Philosophy two hundred and eighty-nine thirty-eight fifty-seven
    Query Result Comments:
    The symbol "/" indicates that this college or major is only listed in the reexamination list, but not listed in the reexamination line or only listed in the total score. For details, please click the announcement details
    The symbol "△" indicates that this university and major refer to the national line, but draw lines independently according to the enrollment situation. No specific scores have been published, so candidates need to query independently. For details, please click the announcement details
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    Query Result Comments:
    The symbol "/" indicates that this college or major is only listed in the reexamination list, but not listed in the reexamination line or only listed in the total score. For details, please click the announcement details
    The symbol "△" indicates that this university and major refer to the national line, but draw lines independently according to the enrollment situation. No specific scores have been published, so candidates need to query independently. For details, please click the announcement details
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