How to remove leg hair

No one is strong for you Ask questions on 2024-03-27 22:52:09
Recommended answer

At present, the better way to remove leg hair is laser hair removal, which is not suitable for all people. It needs to be determined according to personal constitution, personal hair length, size and other factors. The patient should try not to pull out the hairs themselves, which will make the pores thick and cause folliculitis. If you can choose the laser method to remove body hair as far as possible, this method has a better effect, will not leave scars, will not recur, and the effect is relatively short, will not delay the patient for too long. At the same time, patients with excessive body hair should try not to eat, as well as androgen food, and also not eat cold food, such as leeks. Try to eat more food suitable for themselves, but eat more lotus root and so on.

No one is strong for you 2024-04-01 17:10:45

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