How to diagnose encephalitis

Silent Bear Ask questions at 22:05:32, March 30, 2024
Recommended answer

The diagnosis of encephalitis is mainly based on the clinical manifestations of patients, combined with electroencephalogram (EEG) examination, CSF sampling for pathogenic examination, and routine biochemical examination. After encephalitis, patients mainly show low fever, headache, nausea, vomiting. A few patients may also show high fever, and may also show symptoms and signs of brain cell function impairment. The symptoms include weakness of one limb, abnormal sensation, dizziness, balance disorder, dysphagia, choking on drinking water, and language dysfunction, including motor aphasia, Sensory aphasia, mixed aphasia and dysarthria can lead to mental symptoms and seizures. Severe encephalitis may lead to high intracranial pressure, which can be manifested as consciousness disorder, including lethargy, coma, and decortication. Electroencephalogram examination may show extensive slow waves, and pathogenic examination of cerebrospinal fluid may detect pathogens.

Silent Bear 2024-04-01 17:26:57

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