Causes of scrotal exfoliation and pruritus

Both wind and rain Ask questions on 2024-03-26 22:48:52
Recommended answer

The reason of desquamate pruritus? Scrotum peeling and itching are often related to the following two diseases: first, fungal infection of the scrotum, often accompanied by tinea cruris, and scrotum itching, scaling, and erythema; The presence of fungal infection can be confirmed by smear of secretion. If confirmed as scrotal fungal infection, topical antifungal drugs can be used. 2、 Eczema of scrotum. The patient repeatedly experienced scrotal itching, scaling, exudation of a large amount of secretions on the surface, erosion and other symptoms, and needed timely anti-inflammatory and antihistamine treatment. Oral medicine and external medication are required. The specific situation needs to be checked in a regular hospital and judged by a professional doctor.

Both wind and rain 2024-04-01 17:08:14

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