Is myasthenia gravis in eyes serious

No longer let the dream wither Ask questions at 14:44:06, April 6, 2024
Recommended answer

How did the patient develop myasthenia gravis of simple eye muscle type? The condition of the patient will not be very serious, and it belongs to the lightest kind of myasthenia gravis. If the patient has ptosis of the upper eyelids of both eyes, it is difficult for these patients to lift their eyelids, so they must go to the hospital for inspection and treatment. Generally, patients with myasthenia gravis in the eyelid can take oral medicine to improve their symptoms. Most patients will have myasthenia gravis in the whole body if they are not treated in time. Patients with simple ocular myasthenia gravis also need to improve the corresponding lung CT and chest CT examinations to determine whether there is a thymoma in the patient. If there is a thymoma, surgical resection should be carried out in a timely manner. The patient must have a full rest, go to the hospital regularly for reexamination, follow the doctor's instructions, and use the corresponding drugs for treatment.

No longer let the dream wither 2024-04-07 11:48:15

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