What's the pain in your ribs

Sleeping in spring and not knowing the dawn Ask questions at 08:31:19, April 1, 2024
Recommended answer

The following common reasons should be considered for the pain in the ribs: First, it is caused by traumatic factors in the chest. Such as local soft tissue contusion, or rib fracture. Second, costochondritis and intercostal neuralgia. It is mostly related to degenerative changes, strain and cold of thoracic spine. Third, some visceral diseases can cause pain in the ribs. Such as lung disease, pleurisy, coronary heart disease, cholecystitis or gallstone. The diagnosis needs to be further clarified in combination with the corresponding auxiliary inspection. Fourth, early lesions of herpes zoster can cause pain in the ribs. Fifth, some neoplastic and infectious diseases can cause pain in the ribs.

Sleeping in spring and not knowing the dawn 2024-04-07 11:18:33

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