How to treat vitiligo

Time is quiet Ask questions on 2024-03-28 03:42:26
Recommended answer

The treatment of vitiligo is also a very complex process. At present, there are instruments and equipment that can solve the problem of vitiligo. For example, phototherapy, body surface illumination, or a more common and better instrument, 308 laser. No matter what method, medicine or equipment, can be used to treat vitiligo in small areas. There are even skin suction, or the planting of melanin cells. There are many treatment methods, but they are not ideal. The area of the patient is very small, and the condition is very limited. As the current medical technology, it is not a big problem. The patient's condition is developing very quickly. Although there are treatment methods, the treatment effect will not be very good for large area and systemic patients.

Time is quiet 2024-04-01 16:29:49

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