How to deal with postpartum constipation and buttock pain

Drunken Beauty Knee Ask questions at 15:48:26, March 26, 2024
Recommended answer

If postpartum constipation buttocks pain, may be caused by hemorrhoids or anal fissure. If it is caused by hemorrhoids and anal fissure, you can use warm water to sit bath at ordinary times to relieve anal pain. If it is the buttocks pain caused by perineum wound, it may be relieved after the wound suture is removed. After the wound suture is removed, you can take a bath or use ointment to relieve the pain, which also plays an effective role in relieving pain. In addition, we should also adjust our diet, eat more soup food or nutritious porridge. Only the soup we drink can enter the large intestine to relieve constipation. In addition, we should eat more vegetables and fruits to smooth the bowels and relieve constipation. The puerpera should take proper exercise at home. They can walk more indoors to promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, relieve constipation, and also benefit the contraction of the uterus and promote the recovery of the postpartum body.

Drunken Beauty Knee 2024-04-01 16:34:32

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