Two and a half year old baby night cough how to do?

Bamboo Shadow Breeze Ask questions on March 29, 2024-14:29:55
Recommended answer

Two and a half year old babies with night cough need to check the cause of cough. The baby has prominent cough symptoms at night, especially if the cough is not good for a long time, it may be cough variant asthma; If it is cough variant asthma, it often needs aerosol inhalation of glucocorticoid and short-term bronchodilators for treatment. The two-and-a-half year old baby's night cough also needs to be considered. It may be an acute respiratory infection. Patients with acute respiratory infection sometimes cough at night, with more prominent symptoms. If it is a viral respiratory infection, it is usually enough to give symptomatic treatment. If there is bacterial infection or mycoplasma infection, antibiotics should also be used for treatment.

Bamboo Shadow Breeze 2024-04-01 17:15:21

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