How to deal with acute pyelonephritis in pregnant women

The sky is higher Ask questions on 2024-04-03 20:43:56
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Acute pyelonephritis is the most common complication of the urinary system in pregnant women. It usually occurs in the late pregnancy and is mostly caused by ascending infection. The main pathogenic bacteria is E. coli. The treatment principle for acute nephritis of pregnant women is the same as that of non pregnant women, but in terms of the choice of antibiotics, it is necessary to ensure the efficacy and protect the safety of pregnant women and the fetus. The first drug is cephalosporin or semi synthetic broad-spectrum penicillin, which is harmful and toxic to the fetus. For example, tetracycline can cause drug-induced hepatitis in pregnant women, inhibit the development of fetal bone marrow, and is prohibited for pregnant women, Aminoglycosides are neurotoxic and should not be used. Sulfonamides can cause neonatal hyperbilirubinemia and hemolytic diseases, and may cause fetal malformation. Therefore, for acute pyelonephritis of pregnant women, the treatment should be two weeks. At the same time, in the acute phase, more water should be drunk, frequent urination and light diet should be taken.

The sky is higher 2024-04-07 11:26:47

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