How is eye sex migraine treated?

Booming Flowers and a Full Moon Ask on April 5, 2024 22:31:41
Recommended answer

Some migraines will affect the eyes, especially migraines with aura. Patients will have flash points, bright spots, etc. in front of them, and may also have clinical manifestations of distortion and blurring of visual objects. In addition, retinal migraine can cause reversible monocular visual impairment. The main treatments for this migraine are as follows: First, patients should pay attention to rest. When resting, they should not be stimulated by some sounds or light, or they may aggravate the headache. Second, patients can take non steroidal anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs for symptomatic treatment, and usually the symptoms are relieved quickly. Third, patients can also use specific drugs to treat migraine, which is better for severe migraine. In addition, beta blockers or calcium antagonists can also be used to prevent migraine attacks.

Booming Flowers and a Full Moon 2024-04-07 11:48:22

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