Treatment of leg neuralgia caused by lumbar compression

Thick fog permeates the mountains and fields Ask questions on March 28, 2024-13:02:49
Recommended answer

The lumbar vertebrae compress the nerves in the legs and cause pain. The treatment includes surgical and non-surgical methods. If lumbar disc herniation and spinal canal stenosis have obvious compression on lower limb sciatic nerve or femoral nerve, decompression can be performed by surgery, and better effect can be achieved with some postoperative rehabilitation treatment. If the compression is not very serious and the symptoms are not particularly severe, patients can take some non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs orally, such as ibuprofen sustained-release capsules Celecoxib capsule, etc., to alleviate pain symptoms, with some neurotrophic drugs, such as mecobalamin tablets, Neurotole, etc. It has a good effect of relieving nerve root symptoms. Combined with lumbar traction, acupuncture, massage, physiotherapy and other auxiliary treatment methods, it can further improve the treatment effect.

Thick fog permeates the mountains and fields 2024-04-01 16:33:02

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