How to treat cervical calcification

The loneliness of smoke Ask questions on March 28, 2024-19:06:30
Recommended answer

Cervical calcification is generally not treated. If there are some symptoms, such as an increase in leucorrhea, or vaginal bleeding after having sex, then symptomatic treatment is needed. However, some checks need to be done before processing. For example, if the leucorrhea increases, you need to do a routine of leucorrhea to see if there is inflammation. If there is bleeding in the same room, cervical cancer screening is needed to exclude cervical lesions. Sometimes cervical calcification is often accompanied by cervical lesions, which requires colposcopy evaluation. In general, regular reexamination is required. Normally, screening for cervical cancer is required every 3 to 5 years. It is usually necessary to strengthen nutrition and resistance to prevent HPV infection.

The loneliness of smoke 2024-04-01 17:00:28

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