What is the pimple on the head

know by oneself whether it is cold or warm Ask on April 4, 2024 01:05:40
Recommended answer

There are many reasons for brain pimples in clinic, and the specific size and shape of the pimples, whether they are soft or hard, can further diagnose what kind of pimples they are. The most common is acne, which is mainly caused by skin diseases caused by unbalanced oil secretion, improper diet, heredity or excessive mental pressure, and usually occurs in hair, face and other parts. Another possibility is the congestion caused by trauma. You need to ask the patient if he has a history of collision or trauma, which can be generally relieved by applying traditional Chinese medicine to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis. It may also be the local abnormal oil secretion caused by folliculitis, which leads to inflammatory pimples formed by hair follicle obstruction. In addition, neurofibroma or other systematic tumors may also cause pimples on the head.

know by oneself whether it is cold or warm 2024-04-07 11:48:26

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