How to Treat Ear Itch

happy is he who is content Ask on 22:18:08, March 27, 2024
Recommended answer

Eczema of the outer ear is an allergic inflammation of the auricle, the external auditory canal and the surrounding skin. It is mainly characterized by pruritus, polymorphic rash, and is easy to recur. It can be divided into acute and chronic. The main treatment is to remove the cause of disease and avoid allergic factors; Local hot water cleaning, or wet compress with 3% potassium borate solution and 15% zinc oxide solution if there is leakage; For chronic eczema with skin thickening and chapping, 10% - 15% silver nitrate can be used to smear, and 70% ethanol solution can be used to clean the external auditory canal and keep it dry during the interval between attacks; Take anti allergic drugs all over the body, such as loratadine, and supplement vitamins at the same time.

happy is he who is content 2024-04-01 17:21:48

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