How to treat urethral injury

Sorrow under pillow Ask questions at 21:48:22, April 1, 2024
Recommended answer

Urethral injuries are treated differently for men and women, and female urethral injuries are mostly caused by pelvic fractures and trauma. After injury, catheterization can be tried. If catheterization is successful, the patient can be cured by indwelling a catheter for 2-4 weeks; If catheterization fails, surgery is required to anastomose the broken end of the urethra. Male urethra can be divided into anterior urethra and posterior urethra. The injury of anterior urethra is mostly seen in knife stab, scratch and straddle injury. For the treatment of anterior urethral injury, first try catheterization. If the catheter can pass through, keep the status of the catheter for at least 2 weeks, so that the urethral mucosa can automatically extend and heal along the catheter. If catheterization fails, urethral anastomosis is required. The common cause of the male posterior urethra is pelvic fracture, and the posterior urethra pelvic fracture is also a trial catheterization. If catheterization is successful and a catheter is placed, it can be cured with the mucosa of the catheter. However, if the catheterization fails, the urethral realignment operation through abdominal surgery is needed to cure the urethral injury.

Sorrow under pillow 2024-04-07 11:27:34

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