How to check liver and kidney function

cool breeze Ask questions on April 4, 2024 at 18:12:31
Recommended answer

First of all, the liver and kidney function should be checked by blood sampling test. Its check items include blood coagulation index, liver enzyme, blood fat, kidney function, electrolyte, albumin and total protein. The results of these blood tests need to be fasting, combined with the relevant examination results and medical history, and improve the digestive system and urinary system ultrasound when necessary. The routine understanding of liver function is mainly judged by coagulation indicators, rather than by liver enzymes. The results of biochemical tests such as blood coagulation index and liver enzyme mainly reflect whether the blood coagulation function of the liver is abnormal, whether the liver function is damaged, whether there is hypoproteinemia, and whether there is abnormal blood lipid. Renal function is the function that reflects the filtration and excretion of the kidney. Through this indicator inspection, we can simply determine whether there is abnormal renal function and simply distinguish the factors of renal damage.

cool breeze 2024-04-07 11:41:18

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