What's the pain in one side of the neck

social commitment Ask questions on April 1, 2024-10:08:13
Recommended answer

Pain on one side of the neck is often caused by the following reasons: first, muscle injury, which is often caused by the injury or the neck maintaining the same position for a long time. Local hot compress and gentle massage can be applied, and the symptoms can generally be gradually relieved. Second, lymphadenitis. Lymph nodes are part of the body's immune organs. When the body is subjected to exogenous invasion, such as bacterial infection, viral infection, etc., it can lead to swelling and pain of lymph nodes, and also can lead to neck pain. Other factors can also cause this symptom, such as autoimmune system disease, blood system disease, lymphoma and even lymph node metastasis of malignant tumor. Third, cervical spondylosis, which needs to go to the hospital to check relevant examinations. In conclusion, if the neck pain persists, the cause should be determined as soon as possible.

social commitment 2024-04-07 11:37:45

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