What to do about pelvic inflammation of gynecological diseases

Walk alone in the wilderness Ask questions at 21:10:20 on April 1, 2024
Recommended answer

Gynecological pelvic inflammatory disease needs active and effective treatment, which is generally mainly treated with antibiotics. Oral antibiotics are the main treatment for mild and moderate pelvic inflammation. Severe pelvic inflammation is accompanied by fever, which requires bed rest. It is better to stay in a semi recumbent position, and can be treated with intravenous drip of broad-spectrum antibiotics, third-generation cephalosporins or combined anti anaerobic drugs. The general treatment time is two weeks. Most pelvic inflammation can be cured after active and effective treatment. If the treatment is not timely, it will cause pelvic inflammation to persist and develop into pelvic inflammatory sequelae, which is easy to recur and cause chronic pelvic pain. There is no better treatment method, so only symptomatic treatment can be given, which has certain therapeutic effect in combination with physical therapy of traditional Chinese medicine. But chronic pelvic inflammation, even after effective treatment in the body resistance is low, tired, after sex is easy to relapse.

Walk alone in the wilderness 2024-04-07 11:41:42

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