What should I do if my knee is cold and painful

Laugh at others Ask on 02:37:38, April 5, 2024
Recommended answer

The phenomenon of cold and pain in the knee is mainly caused by the cold weather and the failure to keep the knee warm locally, which causes local vasospasm and reduced blood circulation. Another situation may be caused by osteoarthritis caused by degenerative disease of the knee. Therefore, if this symptom occurs, you should try to keep warm and exercise properly to promote blood circulation. However, exercise should not be too tiring, and squatting, climbing stairs and climbing mountains should be avoided. Some Chinese herbal creams can be used externally to promote blood circulation, remove blood stasis, dredge the meridians and relieve pain to improve symptoms, or the knee and foot can be soaked with hot water to increase blood circulation and promote the disappearance of symptoms.

Laugh at others 2024-04-07 11:39:47

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