How to deal with itchy nipples

Don't forget your original intention Ask questions at 05:25:39 on April 1, 2024
Recommended answer

Itchy nipples are related to fluctuations in female hormone levels. When the level of female hormone and estrogen increases, the glandular duct of the breast will cause hyperplasia or expansion, which will cause itching. Generally, nipple itching is related to stagnation of liver qi. According to women's physique, after dialectical essence, this symptom can be alleviated by giving drugs to soothe the liver, regulate qi, and promote qi and stop nourishing. At ordinary times, we should pay attention to the physical examination of the breast, do breast palpation and breast B ultrasound, and find early breast cancer lesions as soon as possible, which is good for women's health. The above health science knowledge is for reference only.

Don't forget your original intention 2024-04-07 11:32:37

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