How to treat early rectal cancer

Foil Ask questions at 00:42:06, April 3, 2024
Recommended answer

Surgical treatment is the first choice for the early treatment of rectal cancer, and the choice of surgical methods needs to be determined according to the patient's specific condition. If the tumor is less than 2cm, confined to mucosa and submucosa, and does not invade the muscularis and serosa, endoscopic resection can be considered. If the tumor invades the muscularis or even serosa, and the distance between the tumor and the anal margin is 7cm, anus preserving transabdominal rectal cancer resection can be selected. For rectal cancer whose tumor is less than 5cm away from the anal margin, transabdominal and perineal rectal cancer resection and anal resection are required. If the tumor has been extensively metastasized and leads to intestinal obstruction, palliative resection is required at this time. Follow up treatment needs to be determined according to the pathological stage after surgery. If it is not carcinoma in situ, chemotherapy, targeting and other related treatments need to be coordinated after surgery.

Foil 2024-04-07 11:42:36

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