Can keratoderma be cured

Memory also faded Ask questions at 00:40:40, March 30, 2024
Recommended answer

Cutaneous skin diseases, many of which can not be cured, can only be treated clinically. For example, some diseases with keratinization characteristics, such as peritrichal keratosis, are mainly symptomatic and supportive treatment. For example, some vitamin E cream and urea cream can be used for local moisturizing treatment to alleviate symptoms. If patients are particularly concerned about the disease itself, they need more powerful means. They can also use some retinoic acid drugs externally, such as retinoic acid ointment, tazarotene ointment, etc., which have very good anti keratinization therapeutic effect. But it can not achieve the goal of radical cure, but also achieve the effect of symptomatic treatment in a short time. Therefore, after getting keratotic skin disease, we should not blindly over treat.

Memory also faded 2024-04-01 17:08:44

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