How to treat renal calculi and renal cyst

Rain in sunny days Ask questions at 05:43:38, April 4, 2024
Recommended answer

Renal calculus and renal cyst are probably familiar to us, because they are two common diseases in urology, and their treatment and diagnosis methods are different. As for kidney stones, we should generally determine according to the specific size, number, location and severity of hydronephrosis. For example, kidney stones are relatively small, and we may treat them with oral lithotripsy drugs. If the kidney stone does not cause serious hydronephrosis at about two centimeters, it may also be treated by extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy. If the stones are large or cause serious hydronephrosis, surgery may be required, such as percutaneous nephroscope, laser lithotripsy, etc. So how to treat renal cysts? Renal cysts can be divided into congenital, acquired and polycystic kidneys. Generally speaking, if the patient has no symptoms and the diameter is less than four centimeters, no special treatment is required. If the diameter is more than four centimeters, the patient has low back pain, lumbar distension and other discomfort, and it is recommended that the patient undergo surgery.

Rain in sunny days 2024-04-07 11:33:56

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