Treatment of chronic pharyngolaryngitis

Start over Ask questions at 21:14:18 on April 3, 2024
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Chronic pharyngolaryngitis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the pharynx and larynx. In clinical practice, it is mainly mucosal inflammation. We mainly treat it according to its different pathological types, or etiology. After the general inflammatory infectious inflammation, we mainly use some Chinese patent medicines for clearing heat and detoxification, such as Lanqin oral liquid, Pudilan anti-inflammatory oral liquid, Yiqing capsule, etc. If the patient is caused by allergic factors, such as chronic pharyngitis, some anti allergic drugs can be used at the same time, such as desloratadine, statinarizine and other drugs. If it is caused by acid regurgitation, some drugs can be used to inhibit gastric acid, such as lansoprazole, rabeprazole and other drugs. In a word, the corresponding treatment should be carried out according to the different causes of chronic pharyngolaryngitis.

Start over 2024-04-07 11:20:33

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