The MRI is normal, but what's wrong with cerebral palsy

The night wind comes Ask questions on March 28, 2024-12:00:03
Recommended answer

The clinical MRI is normal but cerebral palsy. Sometimes cerebral palsy is only a clinical manifestation, but on magnetic resonance imaging, the morphological structure is not abnormal, but because the conduction bundle or synaptic connection is abnormal. Usually, when a child was born, he had cerebral ischemia and hypoxia, which caused dysfunction or loss of nerve cells, resulting in partial loss of brain function and cerebral palsy. Generally, it can be manifested as motor obstacle, sensory obstacle, and motor coordination obstacle. This is usually caused by the abnormality of nerve conduction bundle, which can be shown as normal magnetic resonance.

The night wind comes 2024-04-01 17:10:39

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