How does an ovarian abscess form

Tianya Life Ask questions at 03:20:16, April 6, 2024
Recommended answer

Ovarian abscess is one of pelvic inflammatory diseases. It is salpingoophoritis, also known as adnexitis, caused by pathogens infecting fallopian tubes and ovaries. Inflammation invades into ovarian parenchyma through ovarian ovulation holes, forming ovarian abscess. The wall of the abscess often adheres to and penetrates the pyometra of the fallopian tube, forming a tuboovarian abscess. Ovarian abscesses can be unilateral or bilateral, most of which are formed after the initial onset of pelvic inflammatory disease, and the other part is formed by repeated acute attacks or repeated infections. If the ovarian abscess is not controlled satisfactorily and the effect is not good after active antibiotic treatment, it needs surgical treatment.

Tianya Life 2024-04-07 11:31:59

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