How to treat the blackened tongue coating

Change yourself Ask on 2024-03-29 04:14:03
Recommended answer

The blackening of tongue coating is mainly caused by the proliferation and blackening of tongue filamentous papilla, which generally includes brownish black, grayish black, and scorched black. Therefore, most patients are usually caused by moisture, irregular diet, and other reasons. Therefore, we must pay more attention at ordinary times. We should not stay up late frequently, drink alcohol, smoke, or eat spicy food. It is recommended to drink more water and eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. There are also some foods that can cause the tongue coating to turn black, such as black sesame, sour plum, etc. Generally, you only need to wait for a period of time to get down on your own. Don't worry about this situation.

Change yourself 2024-04-01 16:30:55

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