How to treat cerebral infarction best

Learn not to let go Ask questions at 04:50:37, April 4, 2024
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As a disease with a high mortality and disability rate, cerebral infarction has been paid more and more attention by everyone. Patients often suffer from aphasia, hemiplegia and other neurological deficits due to cerebral infarction, which greatly affects the quality of life of patients and increases the cost of care for their families. Active treatment at all stages of cerebral infarction is particularly significant. Among them, in the super early stage, that is, within the time window of thrombolysis, we actively carry out intravenous thrombolysis to achieve the best effect on the rescue of the patient's nervous system function. In addition, after the acute phase, for patients with nervous system dysfunction, actively carry out rehabilitation evaluation and rehabilitation training, which will have a more positive role in promoting the recovery of function. In the recovery phase, according to the specific conditions of patients, for those with narrow blood vessels, carry out interventional treatment, or insist on using some drugs for a long time, to prevent the further development of vascular stenosis, Reducing the incidence of recurrent cerebral infarction is also a very important treatment for patients. When cerebral infarction occurs, it is necessary to find a professional doctor in time for regular treatment.

Learn not to let go 2024-04-07 11:29:47

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