What reason is femoral head ache?

the elderly Ask questions at 05:07:47, April 1, 2024
Recommended answer

Femoral head pain belongs to the category of hip joint disease in clinic, which is very common in clinic. The common causes of femoral head pain are as follows: First, it is caused by osteoarthritis of the hip joint, which mostly occurs in the elderly or in patients with previous trauma to the hip joint. X-ray films will show the formation of local osteophytes, and in serious cases, the stenosis of the hip joint as a trainee will occur. Second, it is caused by necrosis of the femoral head, which is generally caused by trauma of the hip joint, long-term use of alcohol and long-term use of a large number of hormone drugs. Third, dysplasia of the hip joint and acetabular impact syndrome can cause pain in the femoral head. After the occurrence of femoral head pain, it is necessary to identify the cause and treat it according to the cause.

the elderly 2024-04-07 11:46:16

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