What to do with anal hemorrhoids

A lover fails to return Ask on April 4, 2024:36:17
Recommended answer

If there are hemorrhoids in the anus, blood in the stool, prolapse, wet itching at the anus, foreign body sensation and other symptoms, you can first take symptomatic treatment with drugs. In the early stage, drug therapy is mainly used. Chinese medicine can be used for sitz bath and cleaning, and at the same time, it can be used in combination with hemorrhoid ointment and hemorrhoid suppository for rectal administration. If the effect of drug treatment is not ideal, or the symptoms are aggravated during drug treatment, surgery is generally recommended. After the operation, the dressing must be changed on time to keep the drainage of the surgical wound smooth and the granulation tissue fresh; After the operation, it is also necessary to avoid dry stool, shorten the time of defecation as far as possible, and develop the habit of regular defecation.

A lover fails to return 2024-04-07 11:33:53

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