What's wrong with right breast swelling and pain

Empty man, empty world Ask on 2024-04-02 03:24:51
Recommended answer

Pain in the right breast may be caused by the following diseases: First, hyperplasia of the breast, also known as adenosis of the breast, is a benign disease occurring in the breast. The reason for its occurrence is considered to be related to the unbalanced expression of estrogen and progesterone levels in the body, and it may also be manifested as lumps in the gland. The pain has a certain regularity. It worsens in the pre menstrual period, and can gradually reduce after the menstrual period. In addition, trauma, fatigue, and mental stress can also lead to increased symptoms: Second, malignant tumors of the breast, the most common being inflammatory breast cancer, and eczema like breast cancer of the nipple, can be manifested as breast skin ulceration, obvious pain symptoms, and axillary lymph node metastasis. Physical examination can also find that the local skin temperature of the breast skin is increased, and early diagnosis can be made, Surgical treatment should be selected in time.

Empty man, empty world 2024-04-07 11:32:44

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