How to deal with hemorrhoids due to constipation

Mid month truth Ask questions at 17:52:13 on March 26, 2024
Recommended answer

Clinically, if patients with constipation have hemorrhoids, the general treatment should be carried out from two aspects: first, to actively improve the clinical symptoms of constipation, and second, to actively treat hemorrhoids. Constipation must be alleviated, because if constipation does not alleviate hemorrhoids, the therapeutic effect is not ideal. It is suggested that patients should eat more vegetables, fruits and water to relieve dry stool and difficulty in defecation. In addition, shorten the defecation time. If the stool is still dry, you can also take oral drugs to lubricate the intestines and soften the stool, such as Shutaiqing, Maren Pill or lactulose oral solution. For hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids suppository or hemorrhoids cream can be used. It is also recommended that patients take hip bath with warm water around the anus.

Mid month truth 2024-04-01 16:34:15

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