It hurts to put corns on. Is it normal

Covet private storage Ask questions at 12:06:12 on April 2, 2024
Recommended answer

It is normal to feel pain when sticking corns. It is mainly because the corns patch contains corrosive chemicals, which can gradually corrode the feet and increase the growth of organisms after being affixed. When it corrodes the normal skin with nerves around the corns, it can cause local pain symptoms. The main component of corns patch is salicylic acid, which has corrosive effect on the skin. If salicylic acid acts on corns, there will be no pain, which is mainly because corns are local keratinocytes, so there is no feeling. However, if salicylic acid acts on normal skin, there will be pain symptoms in this case. If the corns patch feels fleshy, you should pay attention to applying the drug on the corns, not on the normal skin.

Covet private storage 2024-04-07 11:47:07

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