How to treat chronic pharyngolaryngitis

The mountain stream is clear and hazy Ask on April 6, 2024 07:27:16
Recommended answer

There are many therapeutic schemes for chronic pharyngitis, and the commonly used one is oral Chinese medicine. Some patients can also choose to take atomization treatment. At the same time, they also need to take diet conditioning. It is recommended to eat more vegetables, more fruits, less spicy and irritant food, drink more warm water appropriately, and change bad living habits. It is recommended not to smoke, drink alcohol, stay up late, and try to avoid excessive use of the voice. In general, most patients will gradually improve their condition and clinical symptoms after standardized drug treatment and daily recuperation. But at present, it is difficult to cure the disease, and it is prone to recurrent attacks.

The mountain stream is clear and hazy 2024-04-07 11:20:33

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