What's wrong with a stuffy nose

A solo Ask questions at 12:42:14 on March 30, 2024
Recommended answer

A stuffy nose is what we call a stuffy nose. There are many reasons for nasal congestion, the most common is all kinds of rhinitis, sinusitis. Some cases of sinusitis are accompanied by nasal polyps, and others are large tumors in the nasopharynx or oropharynx, such as adenoidal hypertrophy or nasopharyngeal angiofibroma, or adenoidal hypertrophy. Plus tonsil hypertrophy blocked, will cause nasal congestion. If this happens, you'd better go to the ENT department for a detailed examination. Then according to the results of the examination, the doctor will make a treatment plan. The above health science knowledge is for reference only.

A solo 2024-04-01 17:23:37

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