How does it hurt when you press the breast

Wake up in the morning Ask questions at 18:40:16, March 28, 2024
Recommended answer

When the breast is pressed, it hurts. First of all, you can make sure whether there is a lump in the pain area. If there is no lump, it is usually due to long-term irregular diet and life, which leads to endocrine disorders, hormone secretion disorders, and breast hyperplasia; If there is a lump, there may be many reasons. Breast cystic hyperplasia, acute and chronic mastitis, papillitis, breast nodules, breast cancer and other diseases may cause symptoms of breast pain. Therefore, when breast pain is found, it is recommended to treat it in the breast department of a regular hospital to clarify the cause of pain.

Wake up in the morning 2024-04-01 17:00:35

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