How to Relieve the Pain of Femoral Head Necrosis

be ready to realize one 's aspiration anywhere all over the country Ask questions at 02:43:03, April 5, 2024
Recommended answer

In order to significantly relieve the pain caused by the necrosis of the femoral head, the following two points should be achieved: first, non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can be used for analgesia. The reason why the pain caused by the necrosis of the femoral head is that the pressure in the joint capsule is high, which leads to the pain symptoms. Non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can significantly relieve pain. Secondly, when the necrosis of the femoral head causes pain, we must strictly avoid walking on the ground to reduce the pressure on the femoral head, so as to reduce the pressure in the capsule of the femoral head. After the above two points are achieved, the pain can be significantly alleviated. A more active method can also be selected for surgical treatment. After surgical treatment, the pain can also be significantly alleviated, but it belongs to invasive treatment.

be ready to realize one 's aspiration anywhere all over the country 2024-04-07 11:41:15

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