I have a bad cough at night. I don't cough much during the day

Free and easy life Ask questions at 05:39:52 on April 5, 2024
Recommended answer

It may be variant asthma and cardiac insufficiency. Some patients often have obvious cough at night, but do not cough during the day. There are two possibilities to be aware of this situation. One is cough variant asthma, which is a special type of asthma. It is related to allergy, and needs to be checked for lung function to further clarify. In addition, the treatment should follow the rules of asthma, The other is to be alert to patients with heart disease. When cardiac dysfunction occurs at night, the cough can also worsen at night. Therefore, if this kind of cough occurs at night and does not cough at daytime, it is necessary to identify the cause and take corresponding treatment.

Free and easy life 2024-04-07 11:50:15

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