How to stop nosebleed

Maple Forest Leaves Fall Ask on 2024-03-30 02:33:35
Recommended answer

Compressive hemostasis and cold compress hemostasis are common methods for hemostasis of nosebleed. The most common area of epistaxis is usually the front of the nasal septum, which is called the Lee's area and has a very rich vascular network. If there is bleeding at this location, the method of pressing the nasal wing can be used, that is, the patient should first take a flat position and press the nasal wing on the bleeding side for about five minutes. If the bleeding point of children and young people is mostly located in the front of the nasal cavity, use cotton balls to fill and press to stop the bleeding. After 3-5 minutes, the bleeding can be stopped. If the bleeding volume is large, use ice bags and wrap towel ice on the forehead to shrink the blood vessels and stop the bleeding. However, if it is a bleeding in the back of the nasal cavity or a bleeding in the olfactory fissure of the upper nasal canal, the above methods are often not good for hemostasis. For example, the bleeding point of the elderly is located at the back of the nasal cavity, so it is necessary to control the blood pressure in time, press the nasal cavity, lower the head and open the mouth, avoid inhaling blood, and then go to the hospital to stop bleeding by filling the back nostril or electrocoagulation under the nasal endoscope.

Maple Forest Leaves Fall 2024-04-01 17:07:53

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