Side effects of nifurtel tablets

Yellowing photo Ask questions at 21:20:46 on April 5, 2024
Recommended answer

Nifurtel has a certain inhibitory effect on some microorganisms, such as vaginal trichomonas, Escherichia coli and candida. During the use of nifurtel tablets, there are no obvious side effects at present, and the safety is relatively good. However, if the patient is allergic to drugs during the medication process, such as a rash or itching, the drug should be stopped immediately. And we must avoid drinking when taking drugs, because drinking may cause some discomfort or nausea. At present, nifurtel tablet is mainly used to treat vulvovaginal infection and some urinary system infections caused by bacteria, trichomonas, candida, mold, etc. For different diseases, the treatment methods are different, so we can use drugs under the guidance of doctors. For the elderly or children and other special patients, we should use it under the guidance of doctors.

Yellowing photo 2024-04-07 11:29:43

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