How to remove leg hair most effectively

Not young Ask questions at 01:51:55, March 30, 2024
Recommended answer

How can leg hair be effectively and thoroughly removed? At present, laser treatment is mainly used in clinic, which is a very good method of hair removal. Common lasers include emerald laser, argon laser, strong light pulse, semiconductor laser, etc. The principle of laser treatment is to use laser energy to penetrate the skin and act on the root of the hair follicle to destroy the cells of the hair follicle, so as to remove hair. The time of treatment is related to the hair growth cycle. The growth cycle of the hair follicle is different due to the patient's age, season, anatomical position, sex, hormone level and genetic factors. Generally, the interval between laser treatments is 4-6 weeks, and then the next treatment is carried out. Generally, it takes about 4 to 8 times to completely depilate.

Not young 2024-04-01 17:10:45

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