How to deal with eczema on the face of a month old baby

I must be taller than the sky Ask questions at 12:23:58 on April 5, 2024
Recommended answer

One month old baby has eczema on his face. In his daily life, he should pay attention to avoiding external adverse stimulation. He should mainly wear loose, pure cotton clothes. He should avoid wearing clothes made of plush and cashmere products, so as to prevent stimulating the baby's delicate skin and aggravating the condition of eczema. The eczema should not be washed with hot water or soapy water excessively to prevent local aggravation or infection. In terms of diet, if breast feeding is used, the mother should try to avoid eating fish, shrimp, crab and spicy greasy food that are easy to cause allergy, so as to prevent breast fed children from aggravating eczema on their faces by drinking breast milk. One month old baby has eczema on his face, so he can scrub it with warm water, and then rub the baby moisturizer. If it is serious, add drugs. If his eyebrows are close to his eyes, don't use drugs containing hormones. The bath temperature should not be too high, and the time should not exceed 10 minutes. If he washes with hot water too long, the eczema will easily worsen. Avoid using strong alkaline soap, and cut his nails frequently, Prevent the baby from scratching the skin and secondary infection.

I must be taller than the sky 2024-04-07 11:18:58

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