Why do you have acne on your temples

Follow one's heart Ask questions on 02:47:43, April 1, 2024
Recommended answer

Acne is the expression of acne. Acne is a chronic inflammatory skin disease of the hair follicle sebaceous gland unit. People of all ages can suffer from it, with a high incidence of teenagers. The pathogenesis of acne has not yet been fully elucidated. Heredity, androgen induced sebum secretion, sebaceous gland duct keratosis of hair follicle, propionibacterium acnes reproduction, immune inflammatory reaction and other factors may be related to it. The onset of some patients is also affected by heredity, immunity, endocrine, mood, diet and other factors. The hair follicle sebaceous gland, as an independent endocrine tissue of the skin, is controlled by sex hormones. After puberty, the level of androgen in the body increases or the level of androgen and estrogen is unbalanced, which can make the sebaceous gland increase and the secretion of cortex increase. Under the action of Propionibacterium acnes, inflammatory reactions occur, which can damage and rupture the hair follicle wall. Various hair follicle contents overflow into the dermis, causing inflammation around the hair follicle sebaceous gland units, There are a series of clinical manifestations ranging from inflammatory papules to cystic lesions.

Follow one's heart 2024-04-07 11:42:39

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