Causes of bone and joint pain in women

Sadness and warmth Ask on 02:24:47, April 1, 2024
Recommended answer

When female patients have systemic bone and joint pain, the following reasons can be considered. First, if it is a middle-aged or elderly female patient, it may be bone degeneration, calcium loss, osteoporosis and bone joint pain caused by hyperosteogeny. Secondly, it can also be considered that there are rheumatic arthritis or gout and other diseases, which are easy to cause wandering pain in the joints of the limbs, and also accompanied by muscle soreness. Third, if the patient suffers from fatigue or cold in the joints of the whole body due to work and life reasons, pain will also occur. Fourth, some female patients may have changes in body hormones during menstruation or menopause, which may cause pain in bones and joints throughout the body.

Sadness and warmth 2024-04-07 11:35:59

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