What is the cause of nervous headache

Dream predestination Ask questions at 09:11:15, March 25, 2024
Recommended answer

The causes of menstruation headache include mental factors or female endocrine problems. The first aspect may be psychological factors. For example, some women may have habitual mental tension, anxiety, or even depression a few days before menstruation. It can cause temporary dysfunction of the human neuroendocrine system, which leads to increased secretion of brain neurotransmitters, and causes headache and discomfort in women during the period. The second aspect may be the endocrine problems of women, because the hormone content in women is more than that in men, especially during menstruation, the hormone level will change significantly, and the types will also fluctuate greatly. These factors will have a bad or negative impact on women's spirit, resulting in sleep disorders, headaches, even anxiety and other serious consequences for women.

Dream predestination 2024-04-01 17:18:28

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